참여교수 명단
- 성명
- 김창헌
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4815
- 연구실주소
- 31358B, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus,
- 이메일
- chhkim@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 1994.03 – 1999.08 PhD KAIST
1992.03 – 1994.02 MSc KAIST
1988.03 – 1992.02 BSc KAIST
- 경력
- 2004.03-2014.02 Seoul Women’s University, Hanyang University
2003.10-2004.02 Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
2002.10-2003.09 Mathematical Institute at Heidelberg University
2001.09-2002.10 Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics
- 논문
- Weakly holomorphic Hecke eigenforms and Hecke eigenpolynomials (with SY. Choi),
Adv. Math. 290 (2016)
Modularity of Galois traces of class invariants (with S. Kang and D. Jeon), Math. Ann. 353 (2012)
Rank-one quadratic twists of an infinite family of elliptic curves (with D. Byeon and D. Jeon),
J. Reine Angew. Math. 633 (2009)
Borcherds products associated with certain Thompson series, Compositio Math. 140 (2004)
Traces of singular moduli of arbitrary modular functions (with D. Choi, D. Jeon and S-Y. Kang),
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2007
Families of elliptic curves over cubic number fields with prescribed torsion subgroups
(with D. Jeon and Y. Lee), Math. Comp. 80 (2011)
Families of elliptic curves over quartic number fields with prescribed torsion subgroups
(with D. Jeon and Y. Lee), Math. Comp. 80 (2011)
Linear relations among half-integral weight Poincare series (with SY. Choi),
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 432 (2015)
- 전공분야
- Number Theory (modular forms and elliptic curves)
- 성명
- Kinkar Chandra Das
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4528
- 연구실주소
- 31251D, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- kinkardas2003@gmail.com
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- (PhD) 2000 - 2004, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology
- 경력
- 2007.9- 2009.8, Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Science, SungKyunKwan University,
2005.10 - 2006.10, Postdoc, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI), France.
2006.11 - 2007.8, Postdoc and Teaching, Department of Mathematics, College of Science, SungKyunKwan University, SOUTH KOREA.
2005.3 - 2005.9, Postdoc, Pohang University of Science and Technology, SOUTH KOREA.
2005.10 - 2006.10, Postdoc, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI), France.
2006.11 - 2007.8, Postdoc and Teaching, Department of Mathematics, College of Science, SungKyunKwan University, SOUTH KOREA.
- 논문
- K. C. Das, S.-G. Lee and G.-S. Cheon, On the conjecture for certain Laplacian integral spectrum of graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 63 (2010) 106-113
K. C. Das, Proof of conjectures on the distance signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 467 (2015) 100-115.
K. C. Das, Proof of conjectures involving algebraic connectivity of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 438 (2013) 3291-3302.
K. C. Das, Proof of conjectures on adjacency eigenvalues of graphs, Discrete Math. 313 (2013) 19-25.
K. C. Das, Proofs of conjectures involving the largest and the smallest signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs, Discrete Math. 312 (2012) 992-998.
K. C. Das, Spectral radius and maximal entry in the principal eigenvector for the distance matrix of a graph, Discrete Math. 311 (2011) 2593-2600.
K. C. Das, I. Gutman, On incidence energy of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 446 (2014) 329-344.
K. C. Das, S. A. Mojallal, On Laplacian energy of graphs, Discrete Math. 325 (2014) 52-64.
- 전공분야
- Graph Theory
- 성명
- Nhan-Phu Chung
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4819
- 연구실주소
- 32311, Science Building 2, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus,
- 이메일
- phuchung@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1 ~ 2022.8.31
- 약력
- 2004 BSc University of Science, Vietnam National University at Ho Chi Minh
2010 MSc SUNY at Buffalo, New York
2012 PhD SUNY at Buffalo, New York
- 경력
- 08/2012-07/2014 Postdoc, Max Planck Institute, Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
- 논문
- Nhan-Phu Chung and Hanfeng Li, Homoclinic groups, IE groups and expansive algebraic actions, Inventiones Mathematicae 199 (2015), no. 3, 805-858.
Nhan-Phu Chung and Guo Hua Zhang, Weak expansiveness for actions of sofic group, Journal of Functional Analysis 268 (2015) no. 11, 3534-3565.
Nhan-Phu Chung and Andreas Thom, Some remarks on the entropy for algebraic actions of amenable groups, Transactions of the AMS 367 (2015), no. 12, 8579-8595.
Nhan-Phu Chung, Topological pressure and the variational principle for actions of sofic groups, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 33 (2013), 1363-1390.
- 성명
- 권순학
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-7031
- 연구실주소
- 31358A, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- shkwon@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 1992.09-1997.05 PhD Dept. of Math., The Johns Hopkins University
1990.03-1992.02 MSc Dept. of Math., Seoul National University
1986.03-1990.02 BSc Dept. of Math., KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- 경력
- 2010.03-Present Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
1998.03-2010.02 Lecture-Assistant Professor-Associate Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
1997.09-1998.02 Researcher, KAIST
- 논문
- On r-th root extraction algorithm in F_q for q=lr^s+1 in IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol.65 pp.322-325, 2016
New cube root algorithm based on the third order linear recurrence relations in finite fields in Design, Codes, and Cryptography, Vol.75, pp.483-495, 2015
Remarks on the Pocklington and Padro-Saez cube root algorithm in F_q in Electronics Letters, Vol.50, pp.1002-1003, 2014
- 전공분야
- 암호론 및 정수론
- 성명
- 김승원
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4814
- 연구실주소
- 32311, Science Building 2, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus,
- 이메일
- seungwon.kim@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2022.08.29~
- 약력
- (학) 연세대학교 (2010)
(박) The Graduate Center, CUNY (2017)
- 전공분야
- Geometric topology
- 성명
- 김장수
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4816
- 연구실주소
- 31256A, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- jangsookim@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 2009 PhD Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, Korea
2003 BSc Mathematics, KAIST, Korea
- 경력
- 3/2014 – 8/2015 Assistant Professor, Departement of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University
6/2013 - 2/2014 Research Fellow, KIAS
9/2010 - 5/2013 Dunham Jackson Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
3/2009 - 7/2010 CNRS postdoctor at LIAFA, University of Paris 7
- 논문
- Bootstrapping and Askey-Wilson polynomials (with Dennis Stanton), J. Math. Anal. Appl., 421 (2015), 501-520
Moments of Askey-Wilson polynomials (with Dennis Stanton), J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 125 (2014), 113-145
Touchard-Riordan formulas, T-fractions, and Jacobi's triple product identity (with Matthieu Josuat-Vergès), Ramanujan J. 30 (2013), no. 3, 341-378
Proofs of two conjectures of Kenyon and Wilson on Dyck tilings, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 119 (2012), 1692-1710
Combinatorial rigidity of 3-dimensional simplicial polytopes (with Suyoung Choi), Int Math Res Notices, 2011 (2011), 1935-1951
Combinatorics on permutation tableaux of type A and type B (with Sylvie Corteel), European J. Combin., 32 (2011), 563-579
- 전공분야
- 조합수학
- 성명
- 박배준
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-4526
- 연구실주소
- 51314, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus, 2066 Seobu-ro,
- 이메일
- bpark43@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2022.02.21~
- 약력
- (Ph.D.) 2018 University of Wisconsin - Madison ( Advisor : Andreas Seeger)
( B.S. ) 2010 Korea University
- 경력
- Apr. 2022 - present, Associate Member, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Aug. 2018 - Feb. 2022, Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Oct. 2019 - Mar. 2020, Visiting Scholar, University of Missouri - Columbia
- 논문
- (2022) Sharp Hardy Space Estimates for Multipliers. INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES. 2022, 14
(2022) Fourier Multipliers on a Vector-Valued Function Space. CONSTRUCTIVE APPROXIMATION. 55, 2
(2022) The multilinear Hormander multiplier theorem with a Lorentz-Sobolev condition. ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. 201, 1
(2022) On the Failure of Multilinear Multiplier Theorem with Endpoint Smoothness Conditions. POTENTIAL ANALYSIS. 56, 1
(2021) Equivalence of (Quasi-)Norms on a Vector-Valued Function Space and its Applications to Multilinear Operators. INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL. 70, 5
- 전공분야
- Harmonic analysis, Theory of function spaces, Wavelet theory
- 성명
- 박정형
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4521
- 연구실주소
- 31251C, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus, 2066 Seobu-ro,
- 이메일
- parkj@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 1990 PhD Kanazawa University
1987 MSc Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
1985 BSc Gongju National University
- 경력
- 2012. Mar-2015. Feb Chair, Korea Math. Soc. Geometry Committee
2003. Feb-2004. Feb,
1997.Jan-1998.Feb Visiting faculty at University of Oregon
2002.Dec-2003.Feb Visiting Faculty at University of Florida
1996. Sep-1996.Dec Research Associate at Max Planck Institut (Bonn, Germany)
- 논문
- Universal curvature identities and Euler Lagrange formulas for Kaehler manifolds , Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
Spectral geometry of eta-Einstein Sasakian manifolds, J. Geom. Phys. 62 (2012), no. 11, 2140–2146.
Universal curvature identities (joint with P. Gilkey, and K. Sekigawa) Differential Geometry and Its Applications 29 (2011), 770-778.
H-contact unit tangent sphere bundles of Einstein manifolds (joint with SH Chun, and K. Sekigawa), Quart. J. Math.(Oxford Journal) 62 (1), (2011), 59-69. 0.617
When are the tangent sphere bundles of a Riemannian manifold eta-Einstein?, (joint with K. Sekigawa) Ann Glob Anal Geom 36 (3) (2009), 275-284.
Eigenforms of the spin Laplacian and projectable spinors for principal bundles, (joint with P. Gilkey and J. Leavy) Nuclear Physics B 514 (1998) 740-752.
Eigenvalues of the formvalued Laplacian for Riemannian submersions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126(6) (1998), 1845-1850 (joint with P. Gilkey and J. Leahy).
- 전공분야
- Differential Geometry, Global Analysis
- 성명
- 서이혁
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4817
- 연구실주소
- 32356B, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- ihseo@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 2011 Aug PhD Seoul National University
2005 Feb BSc Sungkyunkwan University
- 경력
- 2014 Sep - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University
2011 Sep - 2014 Aug Research fellow, School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
- 논문
- From resolvent estimates to unique continuation for the Schrödinger equation, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear.
Global well-posedness for higher-order Schrödinger equations in weighted L^2 spaces, Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 40 (2015), 1815-1830. (with Y. Koh)
On inhomogeneous Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation, Rev. Mat. Iberoam., 30 (2014), 711-726. (with S. Lee)
Global unique continuation from a half space for the Schrödinger equation, J. Funct. Anal., 266 (2014), 85-98.
Unique continuation for the Schrödinger equation with potentials in Wiener amalgam spaces, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 60 (2011), 1203-1227.
Sharp bounds for multiplier operators of negative indices associated with degenerate curves, Math. Z. 267 (2011), 291-323. (with S. Lee)
- 전공분야
- 조화해석학
- 성명
- 오세진
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4813
- 연구실주소
- 31310, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus,
- 이메일
- sejin092@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- https://sites.google.com/site/mathsejinoh/
- 사업참여기간
- 2023.6.1 ~
- 약력
- 1. B. S. in Mathematics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2. Graduate student (in the integrated course of Master program and Ph.D. program),
Graduate School in Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
- 경력
- 7. [2023.6-] Associate professor, Department of Mathematics Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 6419, Korea.
6. [2021.3-2023.5.31] Associate professor, Department of Mathematics Ewha Womans University Seoul 120-750, Korea.
5. [2016.2-2021.2] Assistance professor, Department of Mathematics Ewha Womans University Seoul 120-750, Korea.
4. [2015.9-2016.01] Visiting assistance professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA.
3. [2015.3-2015.8] Postdoctoral fellow, School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study Seoul 130-722, Korea.
2. [2014.3-2015.2] Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University BK 21 PLUS, Seoul Korea.
1. [2013.3-2014.2] Postdoctoral fellow, Pohang Mathematics Institute, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea.
- 논문
- (50) Il-Seung Jang, Kyu-Hwan Lee and Se-jin Oh, Quantization of virtual Grothendieck rings and their structure including quantum cluster algebras, to be appeared in Communications in Mathematical Physics (2024)
(49) Masaki Kashiwara, Myungho Kim, Se-jin Oh and Euiyong Park, Localizations for quiver Hecke algebras III, Mathematische Annalen https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-024-02875-z 03 May 2024.
(48) Masaki Kashiwara, Myungho Kim, Se-jin Oh and Euiyong Park, Laurent family of simple modules over quiver Hecke algebra, to be appeared in Compositio Mathematica (2024).
(47) Masaki Kashiwara, Myungho Kim, Se-jin Oh and Euiyong Park, Affinizations, R-matrices and reflection functors, Advances in Mathematics Volume 443, May 2024, 109598.
(46) Masaki Kashiwara, Myungho Kim, Se-jin Oh* and Euiyong Park, Monoidal categorification and quantum affine algebras II, Inventiones mathematicae Volume 236, pages 837–924, (2024).
(45) Masaki Kashiwara and Se-jin Oh, t-quantized Cartan matrix and R-matrices for cuspidal modules over quiver Hecke algebras, Advances in Mathematics Volume 441, April 2024, 109551.
(44) Masaki Kashiwara, Myungho Kim, Se-jin Oh and Euiyong Park, Localizations for quiver Hecke algebras II, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Volume 127, Issue 4 October 2023 Pages 1134-1184.
(43) Kyu-Hwan Lee and Se-jin Oh*, Auto-correlation functions for unitary groups, Algebras and Representation Theory Volume 27, pages 583–611, (2024).
- 전공분야
- 대수학 표현론
- 성명
- 윤석배
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-7032
- 연구실주소
- 31256A, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- sbyun01@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2009. PhD Seoul National University
Advisor: Professor Seung-Yeal Ha.
Feb. 2004 BSc Seoul National University
- 경력
- Jan. 2012 - Feb 2013 Postdoctral Researcher, Academia Sinica
Advisor: Professor Tai-Ping Liu
Oct. 2010 - Dec. 2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, Brown University
Advisor: Professor Yan Guo.
Mar. 2010 - Oct. 2010. BK Post-doctroal Research Fellow
Advisor: Professor Yong Jung Kim
Mar. 2009 - Feb. 28, 2010. BK Post-doctroal Research Fellow, Seoul National University
Advisor: Professor Seung-Yeal Ha.
- 논문
- Classical solutions for the ellipsoidal BGK model with fixed collision frequency. J. Differential Equations 259 (2015), no. 11, 6009-6037.
Ellipsoidal BGK model near a global Maxwellian. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 47 (2015), no. 3, 2324-2354.
Spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation for relativistic particles. (with Strain, Robert M.) SIAM J. Math. Anal. 46 (2014), no. 1, 917-938
The Boltmzann equation around a rotational local Maxwellian. (with C. Kim) SIAM Journal on mathematical Analysis. 44, no.4 (2012), 2560-2568
Convergence of a semi-Langrangian method for the BGK model of the Boltzmann equation, (with G. Russo and P. Santagati) . SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 50. no.3 (2012), 1111-1135
Lp-stability estimate of the Boltzmann equation around a travelling local Maxwellian. J. Diff. Equations. 251 no.1 (2011), 45-57
Complete synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators with finite inertia. (with Y. Choi, S.-Y. Ha). Physica D. 240 Issue 1 (2011), 32-44.
L2-stability theory of the Boltzmann equation near a global Maxwellian, (with S.-Y. Ha and X. Yang). Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 197 (2010), 657-688.
- 전공분야
- 편미분방정식
- 성명
- 이계선
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4522
- 연구실주소
- 51314, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus, 2066 Seobu-ro,
- 이메일
- gyeseonlee@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1 ~ 2022.2.28
- 약력
- ∙ PhD, Mathematics, KAIST, March 2006 - August 2010
∙ MSc, Mathematics, KAIST, March 2002 - February 2006
∙ BSc, Mathematics, KAIST, March 1998 - February 2002
- 경력
- ∙ Postdoctoral Researcher, Universität Heidelberg, September 2012 - August 2019
∙ Research Member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, March - May 2015
∙ Postdoctoral Researcher, Seoul National University, April - August 2012
∙ Visiting Researcher, Institut Henri Poincaré, January - March 2012
∙ Postdoctoral Researcher, Seoul National University, September 2010 - December 2011
- 논문
- ∙ Anti-de Sitter strictly GHC-regular groups which are not lattices,
with Ludovic Marquis, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372 (2019), 153-186
∙ Pappus theorem, Schwartz representations and Anosov representations,
with Thierry Barbot and Viviane Pardini Valério, Annales de l'Institut Fourier 68 (2018), 2697-2741
∙ Convex projective structures on nonhyperbolic three-manifolds,
with Samuel A. Ballas and Jeffrey Danciger, Geometry and Topology 22 (2018), 1593-1646
- 관심분야
- ∙ Geometric structures on manifolds and orbifolds
∙ Representation varieties
∙ Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
- 연구주제
- ∙ Higher Teichmüller theory
∙ Reflection and Coxeter groups
∙ Hyperbolic and real projective geometry
- 성명
- 이종락
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-4527
- 연구실주소
- 31314, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus,
- 이메일
- jrlee01@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2022.02.21~
- 약력
- 2005년 성균관대학교(학)
2007년 성균관대학교(석)
2014년 성균관대학교(박)
- 경력
- 2014-2015 박사후연구원, 성균관대학교
2015-2019 박사후연구원/연구교수, 이화여자대학교
2020-2021 조교수, 제주대학교
- 전공분야
- Operator theory
- 성명
- 이항석
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0472
- 연구실주소
- 40312, Faculty Hall, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
- 이메일
- hangsuck@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- Univ of Iowa PhD
Seoul National Univ MSc
Seoul National Univ BSc
- 경력
- Soongsil University
Samsung F&M Insurance
Graduate Director
- 논문
- A Modified Lee-Carter Model based on the Projection of the Skewness of the Mortality (2016)
Volatility Curve and Optimal Retention (2015)
Risk Management of portfolio of Variable Annuities and Equity-Indexed Annuities (2015)
An analysis of a Reverse Mortgage using a Multiple Life Model (2013)
The estimation of lifetime Income Replacement Rates (2014)
- 전공분야
- 보험수학
- 성명
- 임선혁
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4812
- 연구실주소
- 51354, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- lsh3109@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- https://sites.google.com/view/sunhyuklim
- 사업참여기간
- 23.12.15~
- 약력
- B.S in Mathematics, KAIST (South Korea), 2008–2013
Ph.D in Mathematics, The Ohio State University, August 2013–June 2015
(Advisor: Dr. Facundo M ́emoli)
Leave of Absence for military service, July 2015–July 2017
Ph.D in Mathematics, The Ohio State University, August 2017–May 2021
(Advisor: Dr. Facundo M ́emoli)
- 경력
- Assistant Professor, The SungKyunKwan University (SKKU), The Department of
Mathematics, 2023–present
Postdoc in Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, 2021–2023
(Mentor: Dr. J ̈urgen Jost)
- 논문
- - Geometry, Topology, and Spectral Methods in Data Analysis: from Injective Metric Spaces, through
Gromov-type Distances, to Generalized MDS. Ph.D dissertation.
- Vietoris-Rips Persistent Homology, Injective Metric Spaces, and The Filling Radius (with Facundo
M ́emoli and Osman Berat Okutan). Algebraic & Geometric Topology. To appear (accepted
in 2022). arXiv:2001.07588.
- The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between spheres (with Facundo M ́emoli and Zane Smith). Geom-
etry & Topology 27-9 (2023), 3733–3800. arXiv:2105.00611.
- Weisfeiler-Lehman meets Gromov-Wasserstein (with Samantha Chen, Facundo M ́emoli, Zhengchao
Wan, and Yusu Wang). International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), pages
3371–3416. PMLR, 2022. arXiv:2202.02495.
- The Weisfeiler-Lehman Distance: Reinterpretation and Connection with GNNs (with Samantha
Chen, Facundo M ́emoli, Zhengchao Wan, and Yusu Wang). ICML workshop: Topology, Alge-
bra, and Geometry in Machine Learning (2023). To appear. arXiv:2302.00713.
- Classical Multidimensional Scaling on Metric Measure Spaces (with Facundo M ́emoli). submit-
ted. arXiv:2201.09385.
- Gromov-Hausdorff distances, Borsuk-Ulam theorems, and Vietoris-Rips complexes (with Henry
Adams et al). submitted. arXiv:2301.00246.
- Some results about the Tight Span of spheres (with Facundo M ́emoli, Zhengchao Wan, Qingsong
Wang, and Ling Zhou). arXiv:2112.12646.
- Reverse Bernstein Inequality on the Circle (with J ̈urgen Jost, Parvaneh Joharinad, and Rostislav
Matveev). arXiv:2302.10122.
- The Gromov-Wasserstein distance between spheres (with Facundo M ́emoli, Shreya Arya, Arnab
Auddy, Ranthony Edmonds, and Daniel Packer). arXiv:2306.10586.
- 전공분야
- 거리기하학 (Metric Geometry) 위상적/기하학적 데이터분석 (Topological/Geometric Data Analysis)
- 성명
- 임용도
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4525
- 연구실주소
- 32305B, Science Building 2, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- ylim@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 1993.9 – 1996.12 PhD Louisiana State University
1987.3 – 1989.2 MSc Kyungpook National University
1983.3 – 1987.2 BSc Kyungpook National University
- 경력
- 2012.9 - present Professor, Sungkyunkwan University.
2006 - 2012.8 2nd Brain Korea 21-Director
2003 - 2007: Department of Mathematics-Chair.
- 논문
- Weighted means and Karcher equations of positive operators, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110 (39) (2013), 15626-15632.
Karcher means and equations of positive operators, Transactions of American Math. Soc., (2014)
The matrix power means and the Karcher mean, J. Funct. Anal. 262 (2012), 1498-1514.
Monotonic properties of the least squares mean, Mathematische Annalen 351, 267-279.
Maximum-volume symmetric gauge ball problem on the convex cone of positive definite matrices and convexity of optimal sets, SIAM J. Optimization 21 (2011), 1275-1288.
Self-scaled barriers for irreducible symmetric cones. SIAM. J. on Optimization 12 (2002), 715-723.
Finsler metrics on symmetric cones, Mathematische Annalen 316 (2000), 379-389.
Applications of geometric means on symmetric cones. Mathematische Annalen 319 (2001), 457-468.
- 전공분야
- 위상수학
- 성명
- 정윤모
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4818
- 연구실주소
- 32303, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- yoonmojung@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- Sep, 2001 - Jul, 2007 PhD University of Minnesota
Mar, 1998 - Feb, 2000 MSc Yonsei University
Mar, 1992- Feb, 1998 BSc Yonsei University
- 경력
- Sep, 2009 – Feb, 2016 Assistant Professor, Yonsei University
Aug, 2007 – Jul, 2009 Research Associate, Duke University
- 논문
- Multiphase image segmentation via Modica-Mortola phase transition, SIAM J. Appl. Math. , 67(5):1213–1232, 2007
Impedance Imaging With First-Order TV Regularization, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., Vol. 34, No. 1, 193-202, Jan. 2015.
Illusory Shapes via First-Order Phase Transition and Approximation, J Math Imaging Vis , Nov. 2015, Volume 53, Issue 3, pp 303-313
Analysis and blocking of error propagation by region-dependent noisy data in MREIT, SIAM J. SCI. COMPUT. Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. B912-B924, Aug 2013
Environmentally Robust Motion Detection for Video Surveillance, IEEE Trans. Image Process. Vol. 19, No. 11, 2838 - 2848, Nov. 2010
Fast segmentation of ultrasound images using robust Rayleigh distribution decomposition, Pattern Recognit., Vol 45, Issue 9, Sep. 2012, pp 3490-3500
A coordinate descent homotopy method for linearly constrained nonsmooth convex minimization
Optim Methods Softw , 2016, Vol. 31, No. 2, 342-358
First-order modeling and stability analysis of illusory contours, J Vis Commun Image Represent., 19:42-55, 2008.
- 전공분야
- 공학수학
- 성명
- 천기상
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4520
- 연구실주소
- 31314, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- gscheon@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 1991 Feb PhD Sungkyunkwan University
1985 Feb MSc Sungkyunkwan University
1983 Feb BSc Sungkyunkwan University
- 경력
- 2005 Sep - Present Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University
2004 Sep - 2005 Aug Visiting Professor of The Australian National University
2001 Jan - 2001 Feb Visiting Scholar of Mathematical Institute of Oxford University, UK
1996 Sep -1997 Aug Post-Doc of University of Wyoming, USA
- 논문
- “The q-Sheffer sequences of a new type and associated orthogonal polynomials”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2016, 491, 171-186
“Representing polynomials as characteristic polynomials via the Stieltjes transform”,
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2015, 476, 184-196
“An application of Riordan arrays to the transient analysis of M/M/1 queues”,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 237, 659-671
“The elements of finite order in the Riordan group over the complex field”,
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2013, 439, 4032-4046
“r-Whitney numbers of Dowling lattices,
Discrete Mathematics, 2012, 312, 2337-2348
- 전공분야
- 조합행렬론
- 성명
- 천창범
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4523
- 연구실주소
- 32303, Science Building 2, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- cbchun@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 1993-1999 PhD Iowa State University
1987-1989 MSc KAIST
1983-1987 BSc Sungkyunkwan University
- 경력
- 1989-1992 Hyundai Electronics Co., System programmer
2000-2001 Post Doctorate, Seoul National University
2002-2008 Visiting Professor/ Assistant professor, Korea University of Technology
and Education
- 논문
- Changbum Chun, Beny Neta, An analysis of a King-based family of optimal eighth-order methods, American Journal of Algorithms and Computing, 2 (1) (2015) 1-17,
Changbum Chun, Beny Neta, Basins of attraction for Zhou-Chen-Song fourth order family of methods for multiple roots, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 109 (2015) 74-91
Changbum Chun, Beny Neta, Sujin Kim, On Jarratt’s family of optimal fourth-order iterative
Methods and their dynamics, Fractals, 22(4) (2014) 1450013
Changbum Chun, Beny Neta, Jeremy Kozdon, Melvin Scott, Choosing weight functions in iterative methods for simple roots, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 227 (2014) 788-800
Changbum Chun, Mi Young Lee, A. Ebaid, An approach for solving singular two-point boundary value problems: Analytical and numerical treatment, ANZIAM J. 53(E) (2012) E21-E43
Changbum Chun, Pantelimon Stănică, Beny Neta, Third-order family of methods in Banach spaces, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 61(6) (2011) 1665-1675
Changbum Chun , Construction of Newton-like iteration methods for solving nonlinear equations, Numerische Mathematik, 104(3) (2006) 297-315.
Changbum Chun , Iterative methods improving Newton's method by the decomposition method, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 50(10-12) (2005) 1559-1568
- 전공분야
- 수치해석학
- 성명
- 최우철
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-7022
- 연구실주소
- 31311, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- choiwc@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- ∙ 서울대학교 수리과학부 학사 (2009.2)
∙ 서울대학교 수리과학부 박사 (2015.2)
- 경력
- ∙ KIAS, Researcher (2015.3-2017.8)
∙ Incheon National University, Assistant Professor (2017.9-2019.12)
- 논문
- ∙ Convergence rate of the finite element approximation for extremizers of Sobolev inequalities on 2D convex domains, Calcolo 56 (2019), no. 3.
∙ A finite element method for elliptic optimal control problem on a non-convex polygon with corner singularities, Comput. Math. Appl. 75 (2018). 45-58.
∙ Asymptotic behavior of least energy solutions to the Lane-Emden system near the critical hyperbola. J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 132 (2019), 398–456
- 전공분야
- 전공응용수학(제어이론, 머신러닝&인공지능)
- 성명
- 허석문
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-7028
- 연구실주소
- 32306, Science Building 2, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- sukmoonh@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- University of Michigan PhD Mathematics (2007), supervised by Prof. Igor Dolgachev
University of Michigan MSc Mathematics (2004)
KAIST BSc Mathematics (2002)
- 경력
- SKKU(2011-2015) Assistant professor
KIAS(2008-2010) Research fellow
CIRM(Italy, 2008) Visiting fellow
University of Zurich (2007-2008) Postdoctoral fellow
- 논문
- On higher rank globally generated vector bundles over a smooth quadric threefold, to appear in Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (with E. Ballico and F. Malaspina)
Globally generated vector bundles on complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefold, to appear in Adv. Theo. Math. Physics (with E. Ballico and F. Malaspina)
Jumping conics on a smooth quadric in P3, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 190 (2011), 1453-1461.
Reflexive and spanned sheaves on P3, Results Math. 65 (2014), 27-47 (with E. Ballico and F. Malaspina)
Globally generated vector bundles on the Del Pezzo threefold with Picard number three, J. Algebra 450 (2016), 487-521 (with E. Ballico and F. Malaspina)
Globally generated vector bundles on a smooth quadric surface, Sci. Math. China 58 (2015), 633-652 (with E. Ballico and F. Malaspina)
Globally generated vector bundles of rank 2 on a smooth quadric threefold, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 218 (2014), 197-207 (with E. Ballico and F. Malaspina)
Stable sheaves on a smooth quadric surface with linear Hilbert bipolynomial, The Scientific World Journal (2014) Article ID 346126 (with E. Ballico)
- 전공분야
- 대수기하학
- 성명
- 허정규
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-299-4810
- 연구실주소
- 31313, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- jghuh@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- https://sites.google.com/view/jeonggyuhuh
- 사업참여기간
- 24.3.1~
- 약력
- Ph.D. in Mathematics (Major: Financial Mathematics), Yonsei University, Aug 2017
B.S. in Physics and Mathematics (Double Major), Yonsei University, Feb 2010
- 경력
- Appointment
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), South Korea, Mar 2024 - present
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics (+Department of Bigdata Convergence), Chonnam National University (CNU), South Korea, Mar 2020 - Feb 2024
Research Fellow, Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), South Korea, Sep 2018 - Feb 2020
Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Mathematical Analysis & Computation, Yonsei University, South Korea, Sep 2017 - Aug 2018
- 논문
- Pricing Path-Dependent Exotic Options with Flow-Based Generative Networks, Hyun-Gyoon Kim*, Se-Jin Kwon, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Jeonggyu Huh*, Applied Soft Computing, 2022 Link
Extensive Networks Would Eliminate the Demand for Pricing Formulas, Jaegi Jeon*, Kyunghyun Park, Jeonggyu Huh*, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022 Link
Consistent and Efficient Pricing of SPX Options and VIX Options under Multi-scale Stochastic Volatilities, Jaegi Jeon*, Geonwoo Kim, Jeonggyu Huh*, Journal of Futures Market, 2021 Link
Measuring Systematic Risk with Neural Network Factor Model, Jeonggyu Huh*, Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020 Link
Pricing Options with Exponential Levy Neural Network, Jeonggyu Huh*, Expert Systems with Applications, 2019 Link
A Reduced PDE Method for European Option Pricing under Multi-Scale, Multi-Factor Stochastic Volatility, Jeonggyu Huh*, Jaegi Jeon, Jeong-Hoon Kim*, Hyejin Park, Quantitative Finance, 2019 Link
A Scaled Version of the Double-Mean-Reverting Model for VIX Derivatives, Jeonggyu Huh*, Jaegi Jeon, Jeong-Hoon Kim*, Mathematics and Financial Economics, 2018 Link
- 전공분야
- Data Science in Finance
금융 데이터 과학
- 성명
- 홍영준
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-7023
- 연구실주소
- 51354, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- hongyj@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 21.8.30~23.7.31
- 성명
- 황인성
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-7021
- 연구실주소
- 31312, Science Building 1, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Natural Sciences Campus
- 이메일
- ihwang@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 2020.9.1~
- 약력
- 2010 PhD SungKyunKwan University
1993 MSc SungKyunKwan University
1991 BSc SungKyunKwan Unversity
- 경력
- 2004 Mar - Present Professor, Department of Mathematics, SungKyunKwan University
2002 Mar – 2003 Feb Visiting Scalar, Purdue Unversity
2001 Mar – 2002 Feb Post-Doc., Seoul National Unioversity
- 논문
- Subnormal and quasinormal Toeplitz operator with matrix-valued rational symbola, Adv. Math. 255
(2014) 562-585
Which subnormal Toeplitz operators are either normal or analytic?, J. Funct. Anal. 263(8)(2012)
Hyponormality and subnormality of block Toepltz operators, Adv. Math. 230 (2012) 2094-2151
Hyponormal Toeplitz operators with rational symbols, J. Operator Theory 56(1) (2006), 47-58
Hyponormality of Toeplitz operators with rational symbols, Math. Ann. 335 (2006), 405-414
Hyponormality of trigonometric Toeplitz operators, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), 2461 - 2474
Hyponormality of Toeplitz operators with polynomial symbols: An extremal case, Math. Nach. 231 (2001), 25 - 38
Hyponormality of Toeplitz operators with polynomial symbols, Math. Ann. 313(2) (1999), 247 - 261
- 전공분야
- 작용소이론