참여교수 명단
- 성명
- 송교직
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0497
- 연구실주소
- 경영관 3층 33308호실
- 이메일
- roysong@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- Louisiana State University Ph.D. Finance 2003
Iowa State University MBA 1999
Yonsei University B.A. Sociology 1993
Ph.D. Dissertation
Topic: Market Timing and Cost of Capital of the Firm, 2003
Committee: Shane Johnson (Chair), Harley Ryan Jr., Ji-Chai Lin, Dek Terrell
- 경력
- Full Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Fall 2013-Present
Associate Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Fall 2007-Spring 2013
Assistant Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, 2006 – 2007
Courses: Corporate Finance Seminar (Ph.D.), International Finance (MBA)
Financial Management (MBA & UG)
Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2003-2006
Courses: Corporate Finance (MBA & UG), Derivative (UG), Investment II (UG),
International Finance (UG), Financial Statement Analysis (UG)
- 논문
- [Selected Publications]
The control and performance of joint ventures, 2016, with T. Mantecon and H. Luo, Financial Management 45, 431-465.
Informed trading before positive vs. negative earnings surprises, 2014, with T. Park and Y. Lee, Journal of Banking and Finance 49, 228-241.
The effects of the reporting of off-balance investments on EPS uncertainty, leverage, and shareholders’ wealth, 2012, with A. Altintig, J. Conover, and T. Mantecon, Financial Management 41, 1009-1042.
Long-term effects of a financial crisis: evidence from cash holdings of East Asian firms, 2012, with Y. Lee, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 47, 617-641.
Chaebol- affiliated analysts: conflicts of interest and market responses, 2012, with A. Ayca and T. Mantecon, Journal of Banking and Finance 36, 584-596.
The relation between targets’ R&D activities, acquirers’ return, in-process R&D in the U.S., 2009, with K. Hsu and Y. Kim, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 36, 1180-1200.
Dividend Policy, Signaling, and Discounts on Closed-End Funds, 2006, with S. Johnson and J.C. Lin (LSU), Journal of Financial Economics 81, 539-562.
Auditor’s reputation and equity offering: The case of Arthur Andersen, 2005, with S. Rauterkus, Financial Management 34, 121-135. - Abstracted at Bowne Review for CFOs & Investment Bankers, March 2006
- 관심분야
- Research: Corporate Finance, Closed-end funds
Teaching: Corporate Finance, Derivative, International Finance, Investments
- 연구주제
- Research: Corporate Finance, Closed-end funds
Teaching: Corporate Finance, Derivative, International Finance, Investments
- 성명
- 고동원
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0592
- 연구실주소
- 법학관 4층 20410호실
- 이메일
- dwko@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- 서울대학교 법과대학 사법학과 졸업
고려대학교 대학원 법학석사
미국 Boston University School of Law 법학석사(LL.M.)
미국 Tulane University School of Law 법학석사(LL.M.)
미국 Duke University School of Law 법학박사(SJD)
- 경력
- 한국은행 전문연구역
김·장 법률사무소 미국변호사
건국대학교 법과대학 조교수
미국 University of Washington School of Law 방문교수
미국 Duke University School of Law 방문학자
한국예탁결제원 증권파생상품자문위원회 자문위원
금융위원회 금융발전심의위원회 은행분과위원
사단법인 은행법학회 회장
사단법인 한국소비자금융학회 부회장
성균관대학교 법학전문대학원 교수
금융감독원 금융분쟁조정위원 및 금융감독자문위원
예금보험공사 자문위원
금융보안원 자문위원
사단법인 한국증권법학회 부회장
사단법인 한국상사판례학회 부회장
- 관심분야
- 금융법연구
- 연구주제
- 금융기관
- 성명
- 김대진
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0847
- 연구실주소
- 경영관 3층 33312호실
- 이메일
- daejin@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- - Ph.D. Finance, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, TN, 2014
- M.S. Statistics, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, CA, 2007
- B.B.A. Department of International Trade, College of Business Administration, Korea University, Seoul, 1999
- 경력
- - ---- Academic Position
- Associate Professor, UNIST, Ulsan, 2021.3-2021.8
- Assistant Professor, UNIST, Ulsan, 2014.7 - 2021.2
- ---- Industry Experience
- Fixed Income Fund Manager, Kyobo Investment Trust Management Company, 2001-2005
- Fixed Income Fund Manager, Hyundai Investment Trust Company, 1999-2001
- 논문
- - (2022) An artificial intelligence-enabled industry classification and its interpretation. INTERNET RESEARCH. 32, 2
- (2021) War-experienced CEOs and corporate policies: Evidence from the Korean war. EMERGING MARKETS REVIEW. 47
- (2021) Derivatives use and the value of cash holdings: Evidence from the US oil and gas industry. JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS. 41, 3
- (2021) Market value of 10-K readability and corporate cash holdings. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 201
- (2020) Liquidity risk and exchange-traded fund returns, variances, and tracking errors. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS. 138, 1
- (2020) A sequential pattern mining approach to identifying potential areas for business diversification. ASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION. 28, 1
- 관심분야
- 시장미시구조, 파생상품, ETFs, FinTech
- 학회활동
- - The 2019 Outstanding Faculty Award, UNIST, 2020
- Ulsan Mayor Achievement Award, Ulsan City, 2019
- 성명
- 김용석
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0408
- 연구실주소
- 경영관 4층 33411호실
- 이메일
- yongskim@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- PhD in Information Systems, University of Texas at Austin, 2011
MSc in Human Computer Interaction, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 2005
BSc in Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, 2001
- 경력
- Associate Professor, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), 2020. 03 - present
Associate Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), 2018. 09 – 2020.02
Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 2011. 08 – 2018.08
CRM Consultant, IBM Business Consulting Services, 2002.1 – 2003.6
- 논문
- [Peer-reviewed Articles]
"Using Speech Acts to Elicit Positive Emotions for Complainants on Twitter," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2021, Forthcoming (with Anna Argyris, Kafui Monu, Yilu Zhou, ZuhuiWang and Zhaozheng Yin)
"The effects of visual congruence on increasing consumers’ brand engagement - An empirical investigation of influencer marketing on Instagram using deep-learning algorithms for automatic image classification" Computers in Human Behavior, 2020, Nov (with Anna Argyris, ZuhuiWang and Zhaozheng Yin)
Yongsuk Kim & Gerald C. Kane, “Online Tie Formation in Enterprise Social Media”, APJIS, 2019, 29(3)
Yongsuk Kim, Sirkka Jarvenpaa, & Bin Gu, “External Bridging and Internal Bonding: Unlocking the Generative Resources of Member Time and Attention Spent in Online Communities,” MIS Quarterly, 2018, 42(1), 265-283.
Arik Cheshin, Yongsuk Kim, Nathan Bos, Ning Nan, & Judith Olson. “Emergence of Differing Electronic Communication Norms within Partially Distributed Teams,” J. of Personnel Psychology, 2013, 12(1)
[Working Papers]
“The Effects of Engagement of Adolescents’ Mothers with Social Media Anti- and Pro-Vaccination Content on Their Children’s Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Uptake with Vaccine Hesitancy as the Mediator” with Young A. Argyris and Won Song
“Bridging Boundaries in an Organization: Enterprise Social Media, Perceived Proximity, and Cross-Boundary Tie Formation” with Gerald Kane
“Leveraging Intra-Firm Online Broadcast Search-Initiated Discussions: Network Density and Technical Marginality”
“When more is less: the moderating effect of relational elaboration on expertise diversity and online discussion outcomes”
“Mobilizing Online Social Capital: The Relational View of Crowdfunding” with Tat Koon and Zhixing Zhang
“Mobilizing Online Social Capital in crowdfunding: The Interplay between behavioral consistency and relational Ties” with Zhixing Zhang
- 관심분야
- My research focuses on the exchanges of resources in online communities, enterprise social media, and crowdsourcing/crowdfunding platforms - particularly from the knowledge sharing and social network perspective.
- 연구주제
- Online communities
Enterprise social media
Online Crowd platforms (crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, user innovation)
- 학회활동
- [Conference Papers]
“Mobilizing Online Social Capital: The Relational View of Crowdfunding,” International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, S. Korea 2017. (with Zhixing Zhang)
“Cross-Boundary Tie Formation in Enterprise Social Media (ESM),” the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, CA, August 2016 (with Gerald Kane)
“Online Tie Formation in Enterprise Social Media,” International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, TX, December 2015 (with Gerald Kane)
"Firm-Bounded Online Communities: Collaboration and Competition," the Nineteenth Annual Organization Science Winter Conference (OSWCXIX), Steamboat Springs, CO, February 2013. (with Sirkka Jarvenpaa and Bin Gu)
"Membership Overlap and Inter-Community Collaboration," International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, FL, December 2012. (with Sirkka Jarvenpaa and Bin Gu)
[Academic Services]
상임이사, 한국경영정보학회, 2020 – present
Co-Track Chair, PACIS 2020
Associate Editor, APJIS, 2012 - present
Program Committee Member, KrAIS, 2011 - present
Associate Editor, ICIS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020
Review Coordinator Chair, ICIS 2017
- 성명
- 박흥주
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0448
- 연구실주소
- 경영관 4층 33412호실
- 이메일
- hj.park@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- (Ph.D.) 2011 Texas A&M University Mays Business School, 재무전공
(M.S.) 2002 고려대학교 일반대학원, 재무론 전공
(B.S.) 2000 고려대학교 경영대학, 경영학과
- 경력
- 2017 – 현재 성균관대학교 경영학과 조교수
2011 – 2017 북경대학교 HSBC 경영대학원 조교수
2006 – 2006 나이스채권평가 수석연구원
2001 – 2002 예금보험공사 사원
- 관심분야
- Empirical Asset Pricing
Empirical Corporate Finance
Chinese Financial Market
- 연구주제
- Return Predictability
Credit Risk
Cash Holding
Chinese Financial Market
- 성명
- 백창룡
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0602
- 연구실주소
- 다산경제관 4층 32410호실
- 이메일
- crbaek@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- (Ph.D.) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 통계학 박사, 2010
(M.S.) 서울대학교, 통계학 석사, 2005
(B.S.) 서울대학교, 통계학 학사, 2003
- 경력
- 오하이오 대학 조교수 2010.9-2013.5
성균관대학교 조교수/부교수 2013.3 - 현재
- 논문
- 개인 홈페이지 참조 https://sites.google.com/view/crbaek/
- 관심분야
- 고차원 시계열 분석, 장기 기억 시계열, 변화점 추정 및 검정
- 연구주제
- 시계열 분석
장기기억 시계열
- 성명
- 임병화
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0450
- 연구실주소
- 경영관 2층 33215호실
- 이메일
- limbh@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- - Ph.D. in Mathematical Science (M.S. & Ph.D. Joint Program), The Youngest Ph.D. of the Year, KAIST, 2009
- B.S. in Mathematics, KAIST, 2004
- 경력
- - 2022.02-Present: SKK Business School, Department of FinTech, Sungkyunkwan University, Associate Professor
- 2019.04-2022.02: Department of Economics, Suwon University, Associate Professor
- 2012.09-2019.03: Graduate School of Financial Engineering, Department of Economics & Finance, Suwon University, Assistant Professor
- 2010.08-2012.08: Division of Corporate Research, Korea Economic Research Institute, Research Fellow
- 2009.03-2010.07: Natural Science Research Institute, KAIST, Postdoctoral Researcher
- 논문
- - (2023) Personal bankruptcy and post-bankruptcy liquidity constraint. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE. 152, 106861
- (2022) 금융시장 안정을 위한 디지털자산 및 관련 법제 연구. 아주법학. 16, 3
- (2022) 엔터테인먼트 산업에서의 대체불가토큰(NFT) 활용과 법적 고려사항. 고려법학. 106
- (2022) 대체불가토큰(NFT)의 이해와 법적 쟁점. 글로벌금융리뷰. 3, 1
- (2021) 블록체인과 지속가능금융. 글로벌금융리뷰. 2, 2
- (2021) 디파이(DeFi)의 이해와 시사점. 글로벌금융리뷰. 2, 1
- (2021) Consumption and life insurance decisions under hyperbolic discounting and taxation. ECONOMIC MODELLING. 94, 1
- 관심분야
- Asset Pricing, Portfolio Optimization, FinTech (Blockchain)
- 성명
- 오지열
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0460
- 연구실주소
- 경영관 2층 33216호실
- 이메일
- jyjoh@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- - 2008-2012 영국 케임브리지대학교 경제학 박사
- 2007-2008 영국 케임브리지대학교 경제학 석사
- 2004-2007 영국 케임브리지대학교 경제학 학사
- 경력
- - 2023- 성균관대학교 경영전문대학원 부교수
- 2019-2023 한양대학교 경영대학 파이낸스경영학과 부교수
- 2021-2022 미국 일리노이대학교 어바나-샴페인 캠퍼스 경영대학 방문연구원
- 2015-2019 한양대학교 경영대학 파이낸스경영학과 조교수
- 2012-2015 육군사관학교 교수부 경제법학과 강사/조교수(육군 중위 제대)
- 논문
- (2023) Who should choose the money managers? Institutional sponsors' equity manager performance. PACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL. 78, 101974
- 관심분야
- 펀드, 기관투자자, 채권시장, ESG, 핀테크
- 학회활동
- - 2021 한미재무학회-파이낸셜뉴스 톱저널 논문상
- 2013, 2016, 2020 한국증권학회 연례국제학술대회 우수논문상
- 성명
- 김광수
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 031-290-7969
- 연구실주소
- 제2공학관27동 3층 27312호실
- 이메일
- kim.kwangsu@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 논문
- (2023) Predicting biomass composition and operating conditions in fluidized bed biomass gasifiers: An automated machine learning approach combined with cooperative game theory. ENERGY. 280
(2023) Analysis of load-bearing capacity factors of textile-reinforced mortar using multilayer perceptron and explainable artificial intelligence. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS. 363
(2023) Clustering and prediction of long-term functional recovery patterns in first-time stroke patients. FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. 14
(2023) Enriching Chest Radiography Representations: Self-Supervised Learning with a Recalibrating and Importance Scaling. IEEE ACCESS. 11
(2022) Deep Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Using Echolocation. SENSORS. 22, 21
(2022) 연합학습의 의료분야 적용을 위한 자기지도 메타러닝. 지능정보연구. 28, 4
(2022) Empirical Measurement of Client Contribution for Federated Learning With Data Size Diversification. IEEE ACCESS. 10
(2022) A Convolutional Transformer Model for Multivariate Time Series Prediction. IEEE ACCESS. 10
(2022) Image Perturbation-Based Deep Learning for Face Recognition Utilizing Discrete Cosine Transform. ELECTRONICS. 11, 1
(2021) ResNet 정확도 향상을 위한 깊이별 Residual Connection 비율 조절 방법 제안. 한국지능시스템학회 논문지. 31, 4
(2021) 시계열 예측을 위한 스타일 기반 트랜스포머. 정보처리학회논문지. 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학. 10, 12
- 전공분야
- Applied AI & Computer Vision Lab
- 연구주제
- Computer Vision, Machine Learning
- 성명
- 김찬민
- 직위구분
- 연구실번호
- 02-760-0495
- 연구실주소
- 다산경제관 3층 32312호실
- 이메일
- chanmin.kim@skku.edu
- 홈페이지
- 사업참여기간
- 약력
- (Ph.D.) University of Florida, 통계학 박사, 2013
(M.A.) Columbia University, 통계학 석사, 2008
(B.A. & B.B.A) 서강대학교, 경영&사학 학사, 2006
- 경력
- 보스턴 대학교 조교수 2017.9-2019.12
하버드 대학교 박사후 연구원 2014.7-2017.8
- 논문
- (2024) Utilizing local likelihood in regression discontinuity design: Investigating the impact of antiretroviral therapy eligibility on retention in clinical HIV care in South Africa. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. ., .
(2024) Multivariate probit linear mixed models for multivariate longitudinal binary data. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. ., .
(2023) Dirichlet process mixture models using matrix-generalized half-t distribution. STAT. 12, 1
(2023) A Bayesian method for multinomial probit model. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY. 52, 1
(2023) 도시공원 면적이 유아 행복감에 미치는 영향에 대한 인과관계 연구. 응용통계연구. 36, 1
(2023) Bayesian nonparametric adjustment of confounding. BIOMETRICS. 79, 4
(2022) Robust probit linear mixed models for longitudinal binary data. BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL. 64, 7
(2022) Comparison of tree-based ensemble models for regression. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods. 29, 5
(2022) Bayesian additive regression trees in spatial data analysis with sparse observations. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 92, 15
(2022) Assessing treatment benefit in the presence of placebo response using the sequential parallel comparison design. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 41, 12
(2021) Measuring rater bias in diagnostic tests with ordinal ratings. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 40, 17
(2021) Bayesian Mixed Effects Model and Data Visualization for Understanding Item Response Time and Response Order in Open Online Assessment. Frontiers in Education. 5, 607260
(2020) Health effects of power plant emissions through ambient air quality. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-STATISTICS IN SOCIETY. 183, 4
(2019) Deviance information criteria for mixtures of distributions. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION. 50, 10
(2018) Impacts of air pollution on gynecologic disease: infertility, menstrual irregularity, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis: a systematic review and commentary. Current Epidemiology Reports. 5, 1
(2018) A Bayesian semiparametric latent variable approach to causal mediation. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 37, 7
(2017) A framework for Bayesian nonparametric inference for causal effects of mediation. BIOMETRICS. 73, 2
(2016) Causal mediation analysis in the context of clinical research. Annals of Translational Medicine. 4, 21
(2014) Comparative Effectiveness of Three Doses of Weight-Loss Counseling: Two-Year Findings from the Rural LITE Trial. OBESITY. 22, 11
- 전공분야
- 기타통계학(베이지안 통계)
- 관심분야
- 베이지안 비모수 / 인과추론