
2024.06.27 BK 목요세미나-김규일 교수님(Michigan State Univ.)

작성일 2024-06-27


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경제학과 BK21 교육연구단에서 아래와 같이 목요세미나를 개최합니다.
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- 일시 : 2024년 6월 27일 (목) 16:30 - 17:45
- 발표자 : 김규일 교수님 (Michigan State University)
- 주제 : Corporate social responsibility and consumer choice: Lessons from the milk boycott

- 장소 : 다산경제관 32211호

- Abstract: We study the impact of a boycott on one of the largest Korean dairy producers, triggered by the exposure of the firm’s unethical management practices, on sales of its own and others. We find empirical evidence that the boycott had substantial and long-lasting consequences. First, consumer utility from the boycotted products decreased significantly, reflecting consumers’ strong willingness to take part in collective action. Second, our discrete choice demand model, which addresses both price endogeneity and product substitution, estimates that sales of the boycotted firm decreased by almost eight percent, or equivalently by 8.1 million liters during the 12-month post-boycott period. Third, the boycotted firm’s sales and revenue decreases would have been more severe had the firm not cut prices after the boycott outbreak. Our findings emphasize top-level managers’ role in fostering an ethical organizational culture within the firm and taking proper and timely countermeasures to curb losses incurred by a boycott.