
BK 특별 세미나 안내 - 양시영 교수(아주대 의학과)

작성일 2022-03-23




Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. The two major types of joint arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) before joining aging era. After aging society in 2000, multi chronic diseases induced arthritis has been gradually increased more than standard type of OA and RA, and the function of arthritis by metabolic disease is more complicated than the others. Even though their arthritis phenotypes are same as cartilage destruction, it is difficult to use suitable drug for each type of arthritis patient because mechanism of arthritis are totally different. To understand molecular mechanism of several arthritis and find suitable their therapeutic targets for translation research, I have elucidated several projects such as 1) the function of tissue resident Treg in autoimmune diseases, 2) Understanding of molecular mechanism of arthritis (OA and Inter Diseases) and 3) Identification and characterization of therapeutic target for preventing cartilage destruction.